Hello! I’m Dan Ivanovich!
I’m a Cybersecurity Analyst at a quantitative trading firm. Previously, I worked in embedded security research at Red Balloon Security.
I studied Computer Engineering at Columbia University. I have worked extensively with everything from Python, C, and JavaScript to Verilog, Ghidra, and ARM & MIPS Assembly. For more details about my experience, see my LinkedIn and feel free to reach out.
On this site, I keep a (mostly) up-to-date porfolio and a (currently-inactive) blog in which I explain some of my projects in-depth, create tutorials, share code that could be useful to others, and once logged my work for Energize Andover.
If you’d like to learn more about my work or reach out, feel free to check out my portfolio, GitHub, or LinkedIn, or email me at d.ivanovich@columbia.edu