Some of my latest projects, ordered by date of completion. Click on any project to learn more.
= Work in progress
= Notable project
= Has GitHub repository
BluMint, May 2022 - January 2023
BluMint is the first social gaming hub for blockchain games. I worked there as a Software Engineer for a 9-month internship.
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Dynamic HTTP Server, Fall 2022
A multithreaded HTTP server that serves dynamic webpages using content from a database that it communicates with over TCP. Server and database coded from scratch in C.
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Dijkstra's Algorithm Visualizer, Spring 2022
The Dijkstra's Algorithm Visualizer is an interactive JFrame wrapper that can be used to visualize how Dijkstra's Algorithm finds the shortest path between two nodes.
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Sellbot Task Force Pages, Fall 2021
The Sellbot Task Force Pages are a set of promotional webpages for a major content update to Toontown Rewritten.
PreMatch was a site that lets students at Andover High School see who is in their classes before school starts. It was later expanded to include an app and Discord bot centered around our chaotic schedule.
A website that utilizes an algorithmic analysis of the famously-complex board game, Catan, to generate random balanced (or very unbalanced) boards on demand.
An original, online, multiplayer implementation of the world's best boardless Scrabble game.
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TrelloTown, September 2019 - June 2020
A Discord bot that logs changes to Trello boards to specific Discord servers and text channels, ideal for managing the productivity of large teams that communicate through multiple platforms.
A tool that uses OpenCV to generate interactive heatmaps on any given floor plan. Hosted here for Andover High School, it helped detect a ventilation problem in the building.
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