AHS Heatmap Presentation Recap

Earlier today, I presented to town officials and leaders in energy alongside fellow members of Energize Andover. Specifically, I presented a year-long project of mine, the AHS Heatmap. I gave a brief overview of the process of creating the heatmap, one of its essential underlying algorithms, and shared a demo. Afterwards, I answered questions and discussed the future of the project and what it could be used for. As the heatmap was designed flexibly, there is the potential for this codebase to be applied to all of Andover Public Schools, not solely Andover High School. This, however, will require the installation of many more sensors into other school buildings and the expansion of our BACnet API (Andover High School has far more accessible sensors inside its building than any other public school). This is the direction that I would love to take this project, but, as of now, it will continue to be employed for AHS alone. Overall, this presentation was a great experience and is yet another motivator to continue my work for Energize Andover. I am looking forward to completing projects of a similar scale after concluding this one.
This is the slideshow that I presented: